Friday, May 20, 2011

Restless mind syndrome/Money woes

A young entrepreneur,,

Yes that is what I'm trying to be. I've read in several different places online and even in my monthly subscription to entrepreneur magazine that its better to dabble in business when you are young like high school or college because thats the time when your not yet used to weekly checks and don't have alot of bills to pay, it also says "those who get into business and entrepreneurship early like high school or freshman in college are more likely to become successful adults".

I actually find that statement only half way true.. I'm 19 years old I've been finding my own ways to get paid since I was like 10 or 11 with this note book and my dream of owning a corner store lol (yeah I know funny) but once I got 15 I started working at the school cafeteria for like 30 to 40 bucks every two weeks. Then when I turned 16 I got my first real job at pizza hut, ever since then I've become a-custom to getting paid weeky checks. But now I'm facing the dilema do I get another job that pays more yet keep them both AND also try to start a business? I mean the money I make working at Subway(my current job) can go towards the funding of my business I wanna start with shirts then branch out to Snap back hats, hoodies, shoes and all I'm actually trying to decide what to do and where to go from here which is hard.

I don't really like working at Subway I want another job that gets me thousands per pay check or really high hundreds like 500-600 a check... I've been thinking about getting a job at the local grocery store they get paid every thursday. If I get another job AND still work at Subway then I could be getting like 600-1,000 a month which is way more than I'm making now which will make it easier to get a new car and invest money into my business operations whether it be buying electronics, purses, shirts and clothes online or via or

I get paid tomorrow and already feel like I'm gonna be broke when I get it I think my mind is always on which kind of stresses me out, I'm constantly thinking about how to make money, which business I should open its like I'm very money motivated maybe I should just stop stressing over it and just do it start whichever business I feel will work best for the summer I have from now May 20th 2:45am until like August 20 something... If I start the t-shirt business what's the worst that could happen? #1 people don't like the shirts, people don't buy the shirts #2 somebody could rip off my designs and ideas, #3 I don't make as much money as I could... the odds actually aren't that bad at all I just don't want to lose money while trying to make it you know?

I need to be up in like 5 hours so I should probably go to sleep... If I can actually get to sleep.. I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna start the t-shirt line and see where it goes...... nuff said..I'm outtie thanks for reading mystery person :)

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