Sunday, July 19, 2009




Okay this might offend some ppl if so then jus let me kno how you feel so I can tell you... go fudge yourself dumb muthafudger lmao jkjkBut the reason for this blog is for me to understand why guys wear skinny jeans? I've always wondered but now I jus have to ask because honestly the "fad" is gettin out of hand nd its spreading around the US lyk a disease! It seems to me that when white people do things its not all that(no offence jus stating what I see) but if you saw a famous black person lyk a rapper per-say wearing the exact same outfit that the white kids have been wearing for year it becomes big nd famous nd now its a new fad. All the skater guys were wearing skinny jeans nd tight shirts nd vans way before the world started to jock their style, but as soon as the pack came out with "vans" everybody wanted to go cop a pair, nd now you see the new boyz rockin they skinny jeans nd tight shirts with all the bright colors I dnt have a problem with the bright colors cuz I lyk them too but( honestly they dnt always b match coming outside lookin lyk a crayon threw up on you lmfao) but I dnt got a problem with the way they dress I jus don't understand why skinny jeans? I dnt even have to ask why they sag them cuz I kno if a guy wore some tight ass skinny jeans nd wore them all the way on his ass, his balls might split in half from the tightness lmao. I'm not sayin that I want guys to go back to wearin baggy jeans with big ass t-shirts but damnit wear stuff that fits, dnt wear your jeans too tight n your shirts too small nd dnt wear your jeans too baggy nd your shirts too big find a place that's right in the middle fitted jeans nd a normal size shirt(not from big nd tall nd not 4rm the child section). I actually think its okay for girls to wear skinny jeans because we dnt have any balls that can get smashed lol nd we kno how 2 rock em right with out walkin lyk there's a pole stuck up your ass cuz you sag lol but it jus looks better to me when girls wear them, unless the guy is really skinny lol.. If guys keep making drastic changes in clothing and all that the next thing you kno their gonna b wearing skirts n dresses nd wearing makeup nd straightening their hair o yea some guys are already doin all of that they are called (metro sexual lol). Guys need to get back to doin manly stuff nd stop bein so girly, its starting to get irratating to be honest, I mean its okay to take pride n the way you look but when you spend 2 hour gettin ready nd your gf took 1 then maybe your doing alil too much nd spending alil too much time n the mirror lol. Nd I'll say this, I'm sorry but I'm not gonna date a guys who's pants are tighter then mine cuz it'll b a problem lol unless we were dating b4 he started wearing skinny jeans but I'd still tell him plain nd simple like this "babe I dnt like it wen your pants are tighter then mines lol". Haha mayne I had 2 write this blog 1st of all because I was bored nd needed something to do that's not too hands on cuz its late nd I'm jus layn n the dark tired lol nd 2nd because me nd Micah were tlkn about this earlier nd I kno how we feel about it so now I wanna kno wat you guys on myspace think? Nd its a lot of guys on my friends who rock skinnies so stop bye nd leave a comment telling me why lol SO UM YEA I STILL NEED SOME ANSWERS 4RM PPL AS TO WHY GUYS WEAR SKINNY JEANS! ND IF YOU WANNA ANSWER COMMENT THIS BLOG WITH YOUR ANSWERS THEY WILL B GREATLY APPRICIATED ND I'LL RESPOND TOO LOL HOPE TO READ YOUR RESPONSES!ITZ TILLY BABII